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The Great Life Adventure was created for youth ages 12+. Our goal with these programs
is to develop learning tools that allows students to grow in their learning autonomy,  
challenge them to find answers to their questions, and ask them to search out solutions to
their problems. 

NOTE TO PARENTS: These tools make use of YouTube for learning purposes
and we 
advise the purchase of YouTube premium so that learners may be saved from the
onslaught of online advertising and wasting time. 

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by Anneke van der Merwe

Our Home Economics Series is a pragmatic summons towards
self-reliance in preparation of adulthood.

Challenges include cooking,
cleaning, budgeting, planning,
and hosting skills.  


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Our war studies are smashbooks (scrapbooking) which asks learns to cut, arrange and paste the text and images from the wars we study. 

They can then compile their own journals or binders with the information they accumulate. 


All proceeds for these sales go to the Canadian Legacy Project. 


  • Instagram

by Sarah Kuntz

The Purposeful Series is modeled off of the flexibility and interest based education of the unschooling method, as well as the timeless love of literature, beauty, and art present in the classical homeschooling curriculum. It is an attempt to balance curiosity with freedom. 


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by Anneke van der Merwe & Sarah Kuntz

The Great Life Adventure approaches mythology from the perspectives of Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, and Edward Edinger. Our goal is to legitimize myth as an important part
of our daily lives and the extraction
of meaning a critically important skill
necessary for human thriving.   


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